Executive Board 2016 - 2017
President - Eva Hansen
- Major(s): Biomedical Engineering, Minor in Chemical Engineering
- Hometown: Seattle, Washington, United States
- Interests/Hobbies: Hiking, Running, Swimming,
- Why join EWB: I joined EWB because I wanted an opportunity to apply my engineering education to an application that benefits an international community in need. While this is the driving force of my involvement, through being part of EWB-UR, I feel that I have had the opportunity to be part of an incredible community of like-minded individuals who I consider to be among my closest friends.
Vice President - Dilshawn Gamage
- Major(s): Biomedical Engineering, Data Science, Minor in Optics
- Hometown: Seattle, Washington, United States
- Interests/Hobbies: Snowshoeing, Backpacking, Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy
- Why join EWB: I originally started out as a public health major but eventually switched over to engineering because of my interest in technology biotechnology. I joined Engineers Without Borders because I wanted to stay in touch with my interest in public health roots, and Engineers Without Borders allows for me to apply my engineering education in a way that contributes to public health projects around the world.
Business Manager - AMELIA PETROSINO
- Major(s): Chemical Engineering, Minor in Music
- Hometown: The Real upstate NY
- Interests/Hobbies: Playing and listening to music, reading (my favorite book right now is A Man Called Ove), watching movies (especially ones with awesome film scores)
- Why join EWB: I joined EWB because I wanted the opportunity to capitalize on my interest in engineering. I STAY in EWB because I get to work with a group of amazing students and mentors to make a difference in communities that face challenges we can apply our engineering knowledge to.
Secretary - Ndeye Fatou Baka Diop
- Major(s): Chemical Engineering, Minor in Business
- Hometown: Dakar, Senegal
- Interests/Hobbies: Reading, Dancing, Hair and Global politics
- Why join EWB: I randomly signed in as I missed the activities fair but I remained in the club because I like contributing to a group that makes a difference. EWB inspires me to act, no matter how small available resources can be.
Program Coordinator - William DeMaria
- Major(s): Biomedical Engineering
- Hometown: Millbury, Massachussetts
- Interests/Hobbies: Soccer, snowboarding, and surfing
- Why join EWB: I wanted to increase my community service footprint on campus and apply my knowledge of engineering to something meaningful and feel like I am helping people in need.
PMEL - Ab Salazar
- Major(s): Computer Science (B.S), Economics(B.A)
- Hometown: New York City, NY
- Interest/Hobbies: Basketball, Hip Hop, Money
- Why join EWB: For the ability to make a difference in my parents’ native country. I enjoy using all of the problem solving skills I learn in the classroom and apply them abroad.
Project lead - Fernando Suarez
- Major(s): Mechanical Engineering
- Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico
- Interests/Hobbies: Music, Traveling, Movies, TV Shows
- Why join EWB: Engineering is about helping people, and I wanted to apply the skills I’ve been learning as an engineering student to help.
- Major(s): Mechanical engineering
- Hometowns: Faislabad, Pakistan and Muscat, Oman
- Interests/ Hobbies: Robotics, unhealthy amount of Netflix, talking to people. I like to eat, and hang out with my friends, and constantly challenge myself so I can grow into a stronger person and a better community leader. Also, I reaaaaaaally enjoyed John Wick 2.
- Why join EWB: I consider EWB as my chance to give back to the community, and I really enjoy the work I do here to better the community.
Publicity COORDINATOR - May shin lyan
- Major(s): Computer Science (BS), Business (BA)
- Hometown: Yangon, Myanmar
- Interests/Hobbies: Graphic design, everything about Korean
- Why join EWB: "I join EWB because I love to contribute what I learn to the community and make an impact in the world."
Events coordinator - Rose Cricchio
- Major(s): Computer Science (BA), Economics (BA)
- Hometown: Anchorage, Alaska
- Interest/hobby: coding, sleeping, Netflix
- Why join EWB: To contribute to something greater than myself and to make a tangible difference in the world.